After jettisoning unnecessary items from van-n-bug we headed North to Seattle. We met Tom, in parking lot of Spagetti warehouse, on his his shift break (painting his art car) “Posi-kitty”- a pointilistic wonder, brightly colored and chock ful of whimsical inspiration and fun. On to our digs, where I was pleasantly surprised to find that the “studio/garage” far surpassed my expectations (I expected a studio/garage) instead I found a sweet cassita with an abundance of art, color, comfort and plush. To add icing to the cake was an enchanted garden between the cassita and the house, graced with an abundance of healthy plants:potted herbs, shrubs, lilacs all graced by beautific sculputures of the Buddah. Sitting on a porchswing, beside small pond, enjoying a cold beer,and watching a humingbird dart around the garden, I was convinced that I was in heaven (not Seattle.)